Fiberglass For a Reason
If you have been following our blog for some time – you already know that we are crazy about fiberglass pools. Trust us, we are not just crazy about fiberglass because it’s a quirk of ours. We share this collective opinion because we know how all the available pools on the marketplace are made. We’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly.
Trust us, from our experience we chose this product category for a reason. We see a massive product opportunity to outpace the marketplace in quality, speed and customer service. It’s why we are who we are – we want to be the best because we already know we are the best.
It’s from this advanced knowledge that we come to our conclusion that our fiberglass pools shells are built better, stronger and last longer than any other swimming pool money can buy. Don’t believe us? Read on!
Fiberglass: Pools Built Tough
The true differentiation between a fiberglass pool and any other pool is how its made. Fiberglass pools are manufactured under strict conditions to create a perfect shell for your home. Our pools are designed by chemists who understand gel coatings, engineers who design our fiberglass frames and quality controls who oversee product. This creates a huge selling point: our pools are manufactured in a controlled environment, inspected and certified before they ship to your home.
Gunite Struggles to Compete
By contrast, your gunite (concrete) swimming pool is built in your backyard by multiple crews – known as subcontractors – with little supervision. These crews focus on only one aspect of the pool and only their aspect. The overall pool construction is supposedly monitored by a superintendent. Whether or not the superintendent is present for the whole process is up to your builder. This adds up to one unfortunate aspect: gunite swimming pools struggle to maintain their quality control standards.
Your gunite pool builder may have a great reputation with a quality staff – but you never know for sure until you see the finished product. Unless their superintendent is present 24/7 – quality control will always be their Achilles heal. For us: our superintendent is San Juan Pools (our manufacturer) and they even provide us with a manufacturer limited warranty.
Long story short, are pools are rigorously inspected prior to shipment. This ensures you receive a swimming pool free of defects and ready for the tough environment of Texas soil.
Santa’s Got a Full Sleigh
Our pools are roughly 100 lbs per linear foot. A 30′ swimming pool is approximately 3,000 lbs. That’s a lot of weight and a lot of durability for your home. Our swimming pools are jammed packed with 5 layers of 100% proprietary resin.
Preventing Osmosis
Our durable pool walls also prevent the onset of Osmosis. Osmosis is the process of of H2O molecules joining up with Esther molecules (which are naturally located in fiberglass pools). These two sets of molecules become friends and join up to create “groups” of bubbles that bulge within the walls of your fiberglass pools. These bubbles (often found in old fiberglass pools) grow larger over time and eventually crack and create leaks in your shell.
Being proactive, San Juan Pools designed their pool walls to be impervious to the onset of the Osmosis effect. Our 5 layers of material are the toughest in the industry and designed to protect your home and investment for generations to come.

Our Esteemed Stardust Model
That’s enough book worm talk for now. Although we find our osmosis resiliency fascinating and certainly something to brag about, we don’t want to lose our readers. Instead let’s turn our attention to this beautiful Stardust model for your shopping entertainment.
This fun and playful pool model sports:
- Shallow End Steps
- Curved walls that create a “free-form” layout
- A deep end Swim Out
All of these combine to create a unique shape designed to dazzle your guests and entertain its swimmers. With a daunting length of 36′ 3.75″ its bound to fit a large group of guests for an afternoon pickup volleyball game.
Our Pools Save You Money
Meanwhile, pool maintenance will be a breeze with a lower costs of chemicals compared to your concrete pool neighbors. Our pools require less chemicals due to their slightly smaller size and ease of fiberglass chemistry maintenance. Your checkbook will thank you along with the guests who genuinely enjoyed their time poolside by your beautiful Star Dust pool model!
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The Pool Specs
- Width: 15′ .5″
- Length: 36′ 3.75″
- Depth: 6′ 6.75″
- Surface Area: 455 SQFT
- Volume: 13,700 Gallons