3000 N Stemmons Fwy #1464 Lewisville TX 75077

469-441-3799 Customer Service


3000 N Stemmons Fwy #1464 Lewisville TX 75077


The Wylela Cove – Coming Soon

The Wylela Cove is a beautiful integration of some of our favorite elements of fiberglass pool technology. Not only has San Juan combined the pool & spa into one body of water, we’ve also included a small tanning ledge! Soon to be released, this new fiberglass pool / spa combo is going to be a crowd favorite – all stacked into a max length of 30′: perfect for your average backyard.

We will notify you once this pool is ready for release and we are taking pre-orders now! Contact us today for an estimate and we will be happy to visit your backyard to provide an overview of the project and work with the factory to build out a timeframe for our project completion estimates.

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