3000 N Stemmons Fwy #1464 Lewisville TX 75077

469-441-3799 Customer Service


3000 N Stemmons Fwy #1464 Lewisville TX 75077


The Stockholm

The Stockholm is a modern, rectangular fiberglass swimming pool. It includes a 5' 10.25" Deep End, Standard Hopper (deep end on one side), Corner Entry Steps as well as a Deep End Swim Out Bench. This is a cutting Edge Design that is packed into a comfortable 10,000 gallon size.
The Stockholm is a modern, rectangular fiberglass swimming pool. It includes a 5′ 10.25″ Deep End, Standard Hopper (deep end on one side), Corner Entry Steps as well as a Deep End Swim Out Bench. This is a cutting Edge Design that is packed into a comfortable 10,000 gallon size.

The Stockholm – A Modern, Rectangular Fiberglass Pool

Rising in popularity in recent years is the Stockholm fiberglass swimming pool. This unique design offers a modern, rectangular layout that fits in most medium sized backyards. Requiring only 345 SQFT of surface area in your backyard, it’s classified as one of our Medium Sized swimming pools.

Secondly, the Stockholm generates plenty of swim space! Providing an overall length of 26′ 3″ – this fiberglass design gives the swimmer a straight swim line for aerobic swimming. We recommend pairing it with a volleyball net or deck-mounted basketball goal. This is a great option if you have active swimmers in your household!

Corner Entry Steps & A Swim Out Bench

Tucked away inside of the Stockholm framework, we’ve included a few features you’re sure to love. When facing the deep end, you’ll have access to a convenient set of corner entry steps. The profile of these steps are minimized in order to maximize the swim space in the shallow end. This creates a wide play space for all users and leaves its 3′ 8.25″ shallow end wide open for hours of play!

In conjunction, the Stockholm provides a similar feature in the deep end. Molded into one corner of the deep end is a narrow swim out bench. This seat provides enough space for only one swimmer but gives you a nice area to rest in between laps or ring diving. It’s also a very helpful tool for parents to utilize during swim lessons with intermediate swimmers!

The Features

In conclusion, the Stockholm is a modern, rectangular shaped fiberglass swimming pool. It provides a wide swim basin with an overall surface area of 345 SQFT. We classify this pool as a medium sized swimming pool due to it’s overall volume of 10,000 gallons.

This unique design minimizes it’s internal features, i.e.: Entry Steps and Deep End Bench – in order to maximize the space allowed for swimming. We recommend this pool to intermediate swimmers due to it’s 5′ 10.25″ Deep End and wide swimming basin.

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The Pool Specs

  • Width: 13′ 1.5″
  • Length: 26′ 3″
  • Depth: 5′ 10.25″
  • Surface Area: 345 SQFT
  • Volume: 10,000 Gallons
The Stockholm - Dig Specs